

JOHSC – Provost & VP Academic

Areas of Representation

  • Faculty of Forestry
  • Alex Fraser Research Forest
  • Malcolm Knapp Research Forest
  • Haida Gwaii Institute

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Safety & Risk Services Support

Resource Email Phone No.
Dustin Szeto 604-822-2932

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JOHSC Members

Worker Reps Work Area Phone No.
Natasha Thompson
Co-Chair, CUPE 2950
Forest & Conservation Sciences 604-822-2507
Rolando Descalzo
Forest & Conservation Sciences 604-822-0975
Liz Smith
Malcolm Knapp Research Forest N/A
Jodi Taylor
Alex Fraser Research Forest 250 392-2207
Diana Hastings
Wood Science 604-822-3209
Alberto Renteria
Forest Sciences Centre 604 822-4793
Deborah Pearson
AAPS– Alternate
Haida Gwaii Institute 250-559-7885
Brandon Chan
AAPS– Alternate
Wood Science 604-822-3981
Margie Heras
CUPE 2950
Forest Resource Management 604-822-3482
Leah Law
CUPE 2950
Dean’s Office N/A
Nicole Lee
CUPE 2950 – Alternate
Dean’s Office 604-822-2727
Ken Byrne
Faculty Association
Forest Resources Management 778-688-2105
Neil Leveridge
Faculty Association– Alternate
Wood Science 604-355-8186
Melike Karaca Bulut
CUPE 2278
Wood Science N/A
Marc Camacho
CUPE 2950
Wood Science N/A
Intu Boedhihartono
Faculty Association
Forest and Conservation Sciences 604-827-5479
Andrew Lotto
Non Union Tech
Forest and Conservation Sciences 604-822-1969
Employer Reps Work Area Phone No.
Genny Go
Wood Science 604-822-3553
Carrie Anne Vanderhoop Haida Gwaii Institute 250-559-7885
Leslie Fernandez
Dean’s Office 604-822-0298
Health & Safety Resources Work Area Phone No.
Greg Smith Wood Science 604-822-0081

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Note: Only the minutes from the last 3 meetings are posted. For access to minutes prior, contact the JOHSC co-chairs or recording secretary.

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Monthly Meeting Date, Time & Location

  • Meeting: 3rd Tuesday of each month
  • Time: 2:00pm to 3:30pm
  • Location: Virtual via Zoom
  • Initial Meeting: 2017-11-21

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Responsible Executive & Reporting Structure

Responsible Executive

  • Provost & VP Academic

Unit Safety Management Team

  • Faculty Safety Management Team

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JOHSC/LST SharePoint Site

  • Log in to your SharePoint site HERE. Note: This is for FOF JOHSC and LST members only.

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