Energy & Water Services


JOHSC – VP Finance & Operations

Areas of Representation

  • Energy Planning & Innovation
  • Engineering & Utilities

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Safety & Risk Services Support

Resource Email Phone No.
Rosanna Ma 604-822-1885

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JOHSC Members

Worker Reps Work Area Phone No.
Kevin Shillitto
Co-Chair, CUPE116
CEC – Administrative Areas 604-822-9445
Mark Scott
CIRS-  4th Floor 604-218-7902
Blair Antcliffe
AAPS – Alternate
CIRS-  4th Floor (604) 827-0799
Joel Daley
CUPE 116
CEC- Mechanical Trades N/A
Vick Jammu
CUPE 116- Alternate
CEC- Mechanical Trades N/A
Stan Takenaka
CUPE 116 – Alternate
CEC – Electrical Trades  604-822-4943
Brennan Sekora
CUPE 116- Alternate
CEC – Administrative Areas 604-822-0098
Scott Stevens
CUPE 116
CEC – Electrical Trades 604-822-4943
Will Swenson
IUOE 115


Employer Reps Work Area Phone No.
Zach Danyluk
Co-Chair Alternate
CIRS – EPI 604-230-0773
Richard Hugli CEC – Trades 604-827-5056
Clayton Mullen BRDF & CEC 604-612-0502
Jason Rako
BRDF & CEC 604-827-0038
Russell Neal CEC – Trades 604-822-1171
Julie West
CIRS – EPI 604-827-2563

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Note: Only the minutes from the last 3 meetings are posted. For access to minutes prior, contact the JOHSC co-chairs or recording secretary.

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Monthly Meeting Date, Time & Location

  • Initial Meeting: 2017-04-20
  • Regular Meeting: 2nd Thursday of each month 12:30pm to 2:00pm
  • Location: Campus Energy Centre (CEC) Control Room & Zoom (virtually)

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Responsible Executive & Reporting Structure

Responsible Executive

  • VP Finance & Operations

Unit Safety Management Team

  • Managing Director Energy & Water Services & Senior Leadership Team
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JOHSC/LST SharePoint Site

  • Log in to your SharePoint site HERE. Note: This is for EWS JOHSC and LST members only.

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